On September 14, 1973, the Electrical Engineering Company SAS (EMINSA) was established, as a result of a merger of Dominican capital with the Chilean multinational company “Hernan Briones y Compañía”. It was the first company established in the Dominican Republic for manufacturing and repairing electrical distribution transformers.
In 1979 the company acquired the machinery and equipment from Canadian General Electric, advised by the Canadian firm Ferranti Packard Transformers, introducing Pad Mounted transformers to the market, once again being the pioneers of the industry.
Get to know us!In 1979 the company acquired the machinery and equipment from Canadian General Electric, advised by the Canadian firm Ferranti Packard Transformers, introducing Pad Mounted transformers to the market, once again being the pioneers of the industry.


Maintenance and Repair

Corrective maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Transformer Test Laboratory

Diagnosis and Consulting

Installations and Electrical Assemblies

Design of Electrical Installations

Dielectric Oil Analysis

Transformer Rental

Collection and Recycling of equipment contaminated with PCBs

Proyecto de instalación para la Refinería Dominicana Petróleo

Transformadores de Distribución a Balcones del Atlántico

Instalaciones Eléctricas de Naves Industriales para LEXCO

Quala Haití


Gerdao Metaldom Cambio de Radiadores


What our clients say about us
“By means of the present we certify that our company Vector, SRL has had commercial relations, in an uninterrupted manner, with Eminsa for more than thirty (30) years. We are pleased to express in this communication that our relations have developed in an environment characterized by a high degree of technical and professional responsibility. It should also be noted that these relations with Eminsa have also been tempered by the high sense of humanitarianism of its directors. That is why we are pleased to record, through this comment, our satisfaction with the commercial relations in which we have been involved with them."
Eng. Francisco Hernández
President, VECTOR S.A
"To date, this is the only transformer construction and repair company that has given us excellent service in all aspects, both in terms of construction quality and service, which is why we have made GRUPO EMINSA the only company that has supplied us with line-type transformers that we use to date. We feel highly confident and grateful for the services obtained.”